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God granted him what he requested.

God wants you to ask Him for great things

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‘So God granted him what he requested.’

1 Chronicles 4:10 NKJV

When Jabez prayed, ‘Enlarge my territory,’ he was saying, ‘Lord, I want more than I’ve got, and I’m asking You for it!’ This man had great ambitions, and God blessed them. There are three common misconceptions that can keep us from having great ambitions: 

1) We confuse fear with humility. We say, ‘Oh, I could never do that,’ and think we’re being humble. But that’s not humility. That’s fear; that’s lack of faith. A truly humble person would say, ‘With God’s help I can do it. With God’s blessing I will do it. I may not be able to do it on my own, but with God’s help I can.’ That’s real humility. 

2) We tend to confuse laziness with contentment. We quote Paul: ‘I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances’ (Philippians 4:11). But this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t set goals. Paul wasn’t saying, ‘I don’t have any ambitions or future plans.’ Just the opposite, in fact! He spoke of ‘reaching forth [to] those things which are before’ (Philippians 3:13). If you don’t have a dream or a goal, ask God for one. 

3) We confuse small thinking with spirituality. Some people say, ‘I serve God in my little way.’ Why don’t you start serving Him in a bigger way? Why not let Him use you more? Other people say, ‘Well, I’m just fine the way I am. That’s the way God made me.’ It’s wrong to blame God for your lack of growth, because He has provided all the tools and ideas you need in order to grow. Bottom line: think big or you’ll get in God’s way!

1 Samuel 27-29, John 14

‘Oh, that…Your hand would be with me.' 1 Chronicles 4:10 

Not only did Jabez have great ambition, he had a growing faith and a deep trust in God. He had enough faith to pray and expect an answer. He was like the pioneer missionary William Carey, who said, ‘Expect great things from God, and attempt great things for God.’ There’s no mention of Jabez having any special ability or talent. The Bible doesn’t say he was wealthy or educated. He was simply a common man with an uncommon faith. Don’t worry about what you don’t have – if you have faith! God will give you the necessary power. He loves to use ordinary people who are willing to trust Him, and see them succeed. Lots of super-talented people sit on the sidelines while ordinary people with faith score the goals and win. And you can be one of them. Another interesting fact about Jabez is he apparently had some type of handicap or disability. 

In the Hebrew language ‘Jabez’ means ‘painful’. Jabez caused his mother so much grief during childbirth that she named him Painful. How would you like to go through life with that name? He may have been unwanted and unloved. But he was stronger than his handicap, and his faith kept him going. His eyes weren’t on the past, they were on the future. He believed that if God blessed him, then his future would be greater than his past. 

What’s your handicap? 
Is it physical? 
Is it spiritual? 
Is it an unhappy childhood? 
Is it a frustrating job or a broken marriage? 

Whatever it may be, Jesus said, ‘Everything is possible for one who believes’ (Mark 9:23).

1 Samuel 30-31, John 15


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