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Showing posts from December, 2013


Relax and Listen >


"HEAR YE THE WORD WHICH THE LORD SPEAKETH UNTO YOU." (Jeremiah 10:1) What does the term 'CHRISTMAS' conjure up in your mind and heart, and what do you associate it with? Is it gifts, trees, 'Santa Claus', family gatherings, arguments, the manger, envy, strife, tinsel, depression, parties, drinking, fighting, gossiping, and, oh yes, Jesus? Do you 'really' set aside the 25th day of December to fully and completely love and worship The LORD? Or, is it a means to an end, a day off, a holiday, an excuse to 'party' in The Name of Jesus. Obviously, only you can answer your own motives and reasons. DO YOU CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS ? Do you celebrate Christmas simply because it's a tradition, or because others expect you to? Again, only you can truly answer this most important question. If you are remembering the birth of Y'shua (Jesus) on Christmas day, then, shouldn't you worship Jesus; love Jesus; speak of Jesus; sin...