GOD calls us as His Treasures Possessions You are a letter from Christ.” 2Co 3:3 Try to see people as God sees them When you consider some of the people Jesus called to be His disciples, the word “dysfunctional” comes to mind. But Jesus wasn’t put off. Like finding treasure in the trash, He was able to see their potential, draw it out and develop it. And that’s your story too, isn’t it? Paul writes, “You are a letter from Christ…written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God.” Other people don’t write your story. Even you don’t. “The Spirit of the living God” is writing it. That means your best days are still ahead! An old Bible lay on a bargain table along with hundreds of tattered books. A lot of people had picked it up and thumbed through its pages. It wasn’t in very good shape—certainly not worth two pounds—so it was cast aside. Then a man picked it up, stifled a shout, and rushing to the counter he paid the paltry asking price. Turn...