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Showing posts from October, 2016


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Try to see people as God sees them

GOD calls us as His Treasures Possessions  You are a letter from Christ.”  2Co 3:3 Try to see people as God sees them When you consider some of the people Jesus called to be His disciples, the word “dysfunctional” comes to mind. But Jesus wasn’t put off. Like finding treasure in the trash, He was able to see their potential, draw it out and develop it. And that’s  your story too, isn’t it? Paul writes, “You are a letter from Christ…written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God.” Other people don’t write your story. Even you don’t. “The Spirit of the living God” is writing it. That means your best days are still ahead! An old Bible lay on a bargain table along with hundreds of tattered books. A lot of people had picked it up and thumbed through its pages. It wasn’t in very good shape—certainly not worth two pounds—so it was cast aside. Then a man picked it up, stifled a shout, and rushing to the counter he paid the paltry asking price. Turn...

Have You Been Burned?

When you take the first step towards forgiving others, Rest GOD will take charge of it. Have You Been Burned? “… Watch out that no [bitter] root… grows up [among] you… ” – Hebrews 12:15 Have you been ‘burned’ by people? You’re not alone, we all have. But instead of being consumed by it, God tells you to forgive it and let it go. When you deny your feelings and stew under the surface, you give the devil the advantage over you (2 Corinthians 2:11). But by dealing scripturally with the situation your painful experiences can make you better, not bitter. If you’re struggling with bitterness today do these three things. First, forgive. Forgiveness isn’t based on an emotion. Don’t wait until you ‘feel’ like it, decide today to let the offence go. When you do, God’s Spirit will calm your emotions and help you overcome the urge to retaliate. Jesus said, ‘Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy’ (Matthew 5:7 ). Since you yourself will always need to make withdrawals...

Doubting is a character which will take us nowhere!! 

“Faith comes from hearing.”   Ro 10:17 Don’t doubt God’s Word You may doubt your own ability, but never doubt God’s—or His promises and His willingness to fulfill them. The Psalmist wrote, “You have magnified Your word above…Your name” (Ps 138:2 ). The only thing in the universe that God has placed above His  name  is His  Word . So fill your mind with it, speak it daily, and don’t ever question it. Doubt often originates from our inclination to portray ourselves as self-confident. Self-confidence is a concept touted by the world; it encourages us to rely on our own skills and abilities. But the Bible says, “He who trusts in himself is a fool” (Pr 28:26 ). Reportedly, the verse at the center of the Bible is: “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man” (Ps 118:8 ). So  center  your confidence around God, not yourself or anybody else. Do you doubt yourself and your own worth? Do you question your ability to pursue your c...

Do you believe or do you have faith?

Do you believe or do you have faith? Throughout the world I see that so many Christians do not understand the difference between ‘believing and having faith.’ Belief and faith are totally different from each other. It is possible to believe in something, yet not having faith in it. For example believing in YHVH’s Word, but not having the faith to use it. Believing in Christ, yet not have the faith to make His promises yours; believing that there is a Kingdom, filled with blessings, but not opening it up. Faith is acting on what you believe. Faith is the key in opening up the kingdom; bringing it down to earth. If we don’t have faith to act on His Word, we cannot receive the fullness of what He promises His children to have. Without faith, we are no different than the demons who also believed.  Many don’t receive healing, deliverance, abundance or even the promises of God in His Word. And without faith we will never enter into His peace and contentment. There will be a d...