For GOD no one is ordinary, he took time to make each one of us, so we are extraordinary. The world might call us Ordinary....or having a label of the ordinary that what opens a way for GOD to pick one of us and bring out something extraordinary. God uses ordinary people ‘Remember…few of you were wise in the world’s eyes…when God called you.’ 1 Corinthians 1:26 NLT Max Lucado writes: ‘Edith Hayes was a spry eighty-year-old with thinning white hair, a wiry five-foot frame, and an unquenchable compassion for South Florida’s cancer patients. I was fresh out of seminary in 1979 and sitting in an office of unpacked boxes when she walked in and introduced herself. “My name is Edith, and I help cancer patients.” She extended her hand. I offered a chair. She politely declined. “Too busy. You’ll see my team here at the church building every Tuesday morning. You’re welcome to come, but if you do we’ll put you to wor...