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Holy Bible and the scientific facts

The Bible is estimated to have been written between 1450 B.C. and 95 A.D. This chart shows scientific facts and principles referred to in this ancient Bible, but not actually discovered by humankind until later centuries. Dead sea scrolls, historical documentation, and word of mouth all confirm the authenticity of the Bible and when it was created. Since people had no official knowledge of these scientific facts until more than a thousand years after the Bible was written, is this scientific proof that the Bible was inspired by God?

Scientific Fact or PrincipleBible referenceDate of discovery by man
Both man and woman possess the seed of lifeGenesis 3:1517th Century
There is a place void of stars in the NorthJob 26:719th Century
Earth is held in place by invisible forcesJob 26:71650
Taxonomic classification of matterGenesis 11735
The Earth is roundIsaiah 40:2215th Century
Certain animals carry diseases harmful to manLeviticus 1116th Century
Early diagnosis of leprosyLeviticus 1317th Century
Quarantine for disease controlLeviticus 1317th Century
Blood of animals carries diseasesLeviticus 1717th Century
Blood is necessary for lifeLeviticus 17:1119th Century
Oceans have natural paths in themPsalms 8:81854
Earth was in nebular form initiallyGenesis 1:21911
Most seaworthy ship design ratio is 30:5:3Genesis 61860
Light is a particle and has mass (a photon)Job 38:191932
Radio astronomy (stars give off signals)Job 38:71945
Oceans contain fresh water springsJob 38:161920
Snow has material valueJob 38:221905, 1966
Infinite number of stars existGenesis 15:51940
Dust is important to survivalIsaiah 40:121935
Hubert Spencer's scientific principlesGenesis 11820
Air has weightJob 28:2516th Century
Light can be split up into component colorsJob 38:241650
Matter is made up of invisible particlesRomans 1:2020th Century
Plants use sunlight to manufacture foodJob 8:161920
Arcturus and other stars move through spaceJob 38:3219th Century
Water cycleEcclesiastes 1:717th Century
Life originated in the seaGenesis 119th Century
Lightning and thunder are relatedJob 38:2519th Century
Man was the last animal createdGenesis 115th Century


  1. I love it when scientists/archeologists dig up more evidence that proves the Bible true. & are 2 of the best online Bible search & study tools (over 200 Bible versions).

  2. Thanks Br/Sis in Jesus God Bless you...


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