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Try to see people as God sees them

GOD calls us as His Treasures Possessions  You are a letter from Christ.”  2Co 3:3 Try to see people as God sees them When you consider some of the people Jesus called to be His disciples, the word “dysfunctional” comes to mind. But Jesus wasn’t put off. Like finding treasure in the trash, He was able to see their potential, draw it out and develop it. And that’s  your story too, isn’t it? Paul writes, “You are a letter from Christ…written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God.” Other people don’t write your story. Even you don’t. “The Spirit of the living God” is writing it. That means your best days are still ahead! An old Bible lay on a bargain table along with hundreds of tattered books. A lot of people had picked it up and thumbed through its pages. It wasn’t in very good shape—certainly not worth two pounds—so it was cast aside. Then a man picked it up, stifled a shout, and rushing to the counter he paid the paltry asking price. Turn...

Have You Been Burned?

When you take the first step towards forgiving others, Rest GOD will take charge of it. Have You Been Burned? “… Watch out that no [bitter] root… grows up [among] you… ” – Hebrews 12:15 Have you been ‘burned’ by people? You’re not alone, we all have. But instead of being consumed by it, God tells you to forgive it and let it go. When you deny your feelings and stew under the surface, you give the devil the advantage over you (2 Corinthians 2:11). But by dealing scripturally with the situation your painful experiences can make you better, not bitter. If you’re struggling with bitterness today do these three things. First, forgive. Forgiveness isn’t based on an emotion. Don’t wait until you ‘feel’ like it, decide today to let the offence go. When you do, God’s Spirit will calm your emotions and help you overcome the urge to retaliate. Jesus said, ‘Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy’ (Matthew 5:7 ). Since you yourself will always need to make withdrawals...

Doubting is a character which will take us nowhere!! 

“Faith comes from hearing.”   Ro 10:17 Don’t doubt God’s Word You may doubt your own ability, but never doubt God’s—or His promises and His willingness to fulfill them. The Psalmist wrote, “You have magnified Your word above…Your name” (Ps 138:2 ). The only thing in the universe that God has placed above His  name  is His  Word . So fill your mind with it, speak it daily, and don’t ever question it. Doubt often originates from our inclination to portray ourselves as self-confident. Self-confidence is a concept touted by the world; it encourages us to rely on our own skills and abilities. But the Bible says, “He who trusts in himself is a fool” (Pr 28:26 ). Reportedly, the verse at the center of the Bible is: “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man” (Ps 118:8 ). So  center  your confidence around God, not yourself or anybody else. Do you doubt yourself and your own worth? Do you question your ability to pursue your c...

Do you believe or do you have faith?

Do you believe or do you have faith? Throughout the world I see that so many Christians do not understand the difference between ‘believing and having faith.’ Belief and faith are totally different from each other. It is possible to believe in something, yet not having faith in it. For example believing in YHVH’s Word, but not having the faith to use it. Believing in Christ, yet not have the faith to make His promises yours; believing that there is a Kingdom, filled with blessings, but not opening it up. Faith is acting on what you believe. Faith is the key in opening up the kingdom; bringing it down to earth. If we don’t have faith to act on His Word, we cannot receive the fullness of what He promises His children to have. Without faith, we are no different than the demons who also believed.  Many don’t receive healing, deliverance, abundance or even the promises of God in His Word. And without faith we will never enter into His peace and contentment. There will be a d...

Fruit or just leaves?

Man's life speak through the actions that bear either good or bad Fruits !! So which one are you ?? “He found nothing but leaves on it.”  Mt 21:19 Fruit or just leaves? The Bible says: “As He was coming back to the city, He was hungry. And as He saw one single leafy fig tree above the roadside, He went to it but He found nothing but leaves on it [seeing that in the fig tree the fruit appears at the same time as the leaves]. And He said to it, Never again shall fruit grow on you! And the fig tree withered up at once” (vv. 18-19 ). Perhaps you’re thinking that’s pretty harsh treatlment. After all, it wasn’t the tree’s fault that it didn’t have any figs. So why did Jesus curse it? You’ll find the answer in these words: “Seeing that in the fig tree the fruit appears at the same time as the leaves.” When Jesus saw leaves on the tree, He’d a right to expect fruit. And when there was none, He cursed it for being a phony while giving off the impression that it was the real thin...

'Seek His face continually

'Seek His face continually .' 1 Chronicles 16:11 A good relationship is based on being sensitive to the other person’s needs, and to do that, you must make the relationship a priority and spend time together. The difference between ‘catching a few moments’ with the Lord and spending quality time with Him is like the difference between driving through McDonald’s and spending the evening at a fine restaurant. At McDonald’s you drive up, shout into a microphone and drive around to a window where they hand you a bag of food. In a fine restaurant you sit down, savour every bite in a relaxed atmosphere, and leave satisfied and nourished. Too many of us live on spiritual fast food and never experience the banquet God has for us. The Bible says, ‘Seek His face continually .’ Have you learned how to stay in God’s presence and enjoy it? When it comes to prayer, we all face two challenges: (1) Lack of desire. We complain about lack of time, but the truth is we make time for wh...

Life Is about Choices (2)

Our life is directed based on what we choose. So what are you choosing today ? Life Is about Choices (2) 'Give your servant a discerning heart to...distinguish between right and wrong.' 1 Kings 3:9 Choices—they’re the determining factor in how your life turns out. When Solomon came to the throne as a young man, he prayed for wisdom to make the right choices in life. Legendary basketball coach John Wooden said, ‘There’s a choice you have to make in everything you do. So keep in mind that in the end, the choice you make, makes you.’ Some of us make life harder by making bad choices; others move through life more easily because they make good choices. The truth is, you don’t always get what you want but you always live with the consequences of your choices. Observe: (1) Your choices reveal who you really are. Theologian HP Liddon observed, ‘What we do on some great occasion will probably depend on what we already are; and what we are will be the result of previou...

Life is About Choices 1

What choices you want to make to walk in GOD’s obedience or Worldly choice? Life Is About Choices (1) 'Daniel resolved not to.' Daniel 1:8 When Daniel was taken prisoner to Babylon, he was quickly promoted to leadership in the king’s palace. But as a Jew he refused to ‘defile himself with the royal food and wine’. Could his choice have affected his career, or even cost him his life? Absolutely! But what we choose to do under pressure results from one of two things: (1) Clearly established convictions we live by. (2) Fuzzy convictions we’re willing to compromise for personal gain. Hard times don’t make you, they reveal you! In Leadership Gold John Maxwell writes: ‘After visiting twenty cities in seven days, it was good to be coming home! As the small private jet approached the runway, we were celebrating the success of the week. Then, in a moment, everything changed. The plane was hit by crosswinds and dropped straight down to the runway, the wheels hitti...

God Knows what you've done!

GOD knows everything good or bad, He is always there for you to cleans you, forgive you and restore you back. So come to the LORD He is still waiting for you! God Knows What You've Done '...God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil.' Ecclesiastes 12:14 One of the chief attributes of God is His omniscience. It’s a word comprising two parts. The first part, ‘omni’, means ‘all’, and the second part, ‘science’, relates to knowledge. That means He is an omniscient God who knows everything you say, everything you think and everything you do. The story is told of a wealthy grandfather who had a hearing aid fitted. When he went for a routine check–up, his doctor commented, ‘Your family must be happy to know that now you can hear.’ The grandfather said, ‘Actually, I haven’t told them about the hearing aid. I just sit around and listen to their conversations—and I’ve already changed my will twice!’ God wants to bless y...

Be open to Correction

Sometime when people come and tell you about certain weakness what is your response ? being Mad at them or take it as correction from GOD. “They did not respond to correction.” Jer 2:30 NIV Be Open to Correction How do you respond to correction?  By taking offense? By interpreting it as rejection?  By getting defensive?  By shooting the bearer of bad news and making sure they never get to you again?  By keeping score and saying, “In comparison to what I’ve accomplished in life, you’ve done nothing”?  By giving in to self-pity and thinking how hard your life is because people don’t understand or appreciate you?  We need people who’ll be honest with us. Why?  Because we’re too easily blindsided by our egos! When God sends somebody to correct you, it’s because He wants what’s best for you. His willingness to correct you actually demonstrates how much He cares for you. “If you are not disciplined…you are illegitimate children and ...

The Grace to Handle It

God always gives the grace to handle everything, but sometime in our busyness we forget to believe in His Grace and believe in our own strength that leads to fall down. The Grace to Handle It 'He will empower you with inner strength.' Ephesians 3:16 Lois was a secretary who battled cancer for 15 years and for every one of them she served God faithfully. Her boss wrote: ‘I don’t think I ever met anyone more courageous. Some days she was so ill…getting out of bed took all the strength she had! She’d deliberately fall out of bed, walk on her hands and knees to the bathroom, reach for the sink and pull herself up. She’d force herself to get dressed, stumble into the kitchen, drink some water, eat a dry piece of toast, search for her purse, and walk to the door. Perspiration pouring off her forehead, she’d look at her husband and say, “Well, Ralph, I think I can make it now.” Then she’d get into her car and drive to church. She was always there before me, and when I ...

Are You Jealous?

Are You Jealous? 'Jealousy is like cancer in the bones.' Proverbs 14:30 Christian educator Henrietta Mears said, 'The man who keeps busy helping the man below him, won't have time to envy the man above him.' Doctor Seuss wrote hundreds of children's stories. One of his most famous is about the Grinch, a cartoon character who gets so jealous of others that he ends up biting himself. Jealousy does that. It targets others, but ends up consuming you. God blessed King Saul and lifted him from obscurity to the highest position in Israel. But when David slew Goliath and won the adulation of the people, Saul started acting insecure and threatened. Instead of rejoicing that God had sent David to help him, he grew resentful and became 'David's enemy from that time forward.' (1 Samuel 18:29)  The Bible says, 'A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body; jealousy is like cancer in the bones.' Jealousy is malignant; left unchecked it can destro...

The Power of Prayer

Often people think Prayer is boring and not sure if we pray we will get an answer as we believe in what we see then what faith can see. Here is the Answer! The Power of Prayer 'Pray without ceasing.' 1 Thessalonians 5:17 When the Bible says, ‘Pray without ceasing,’ that means pray every day, not just periodically or when you’re in trouble. ‘The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.’ (James 5:16) The word ‘fervent’ means passionate, persistent and determined. It’s not the number of our prayers, how many they are; nor the rhetoric of our prayers, how eloquent they may be; nor the geometry of our prayers, how long they may be; nor the music of our prayers, how sweet our voice may be; nor the logic of our prayers, how argumentative they may be; nor the method of our prayers, how orderly they may be; nor even the theology of our prayers, how good the doctrine is, that God responds to. Fervency of spirit is what ‘avails much’. The most powerful thing...


'Don't worry about anything...' Philippians 4:6  Identify the source of your worries. Did you grow up in a fear-filled family, always feeling insecure, never measuring up, and never hearing words of affirmation and approval? Are you listening to the prophets of doom, hearing only about what's wrong, and how much worse it's going to get? What's the source of your anxiety? What feeds your worries? Until you can express your fears you can't expel them. Putting your worries into words disrobes them. They look weak and silly standing there naked. In his novel Life of Pi, Yann Martel's main character, Pi, finds himself adrift at sea on a lifeboat with a 200 kg Bengal tiger as his companion. While on the lifeboat, Pi begins to analyse his fears, both of the sea and the tiger. He gives this counsel: 'You must fight hard to express your [fear]. You must fight hard to shine the light of words upon it. Because if you don't, if your fear become...

Prepare for Challenges

GOD will give the strength to face the challenges. Prepare for Challenges 'A sensible man watches for problems ahead and prepares to meet them.' Proverbs 27:12 The path to your God-given destiny will have different challenges, so you must expect them. Indeed you must prepare yourself to face them. Solomon wrote, 'A sensible man watches for problems ahead and prepares to meet them.' Wouldn't you rather look ahead and prepare, instead of looking back with regret?  Why does the Bible record the failures of great men like Abraham, Moses, Elijah and Peter? To give you hope; to let you know that nobody performs flawlessly; to help you believe if they can do it, by God's grace you can too. The road to success has many potholes. You'll fall into some - and they're messy. Not only will you have to climb back out, you'll have to dust yourself off, refocus, recommit, and keep going. Since failure is inevitable, why not make it your friend by...

Make Jesus “Lord” of Your Life

“If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus.”
Ro 10:9 NKJV Make Jesus “Lord” of Your Life There are two parts to being a Christian. First, you must accept Jesus as your Saviour. Second, and much more difficult, you must make Jesus your Lord—“the undisputed boss!” There is just enough ego in each of us to want to be in control, and that part of us must be crucified daily. Crucifixion is one of the most painful deaths you can experience, because you die slowly and excruciatingly. And as long as your ego has breath left in it, it will rise up and fight for control. When you make Jesus Lord of your life, you give up control in three areas:  (1) Jesus, not you, decides where you will go.  (2) Jesus, not you, decides the price you’ll have to pay.  (3) Jesus, not you, decides the person you’ll become.  “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that ...

Accepting Others

Accepting Others 'Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you.' Romans 15:7 Sometimes people don’t make it easy to accept them. They can be bad–tempered, selfish, critical, irritating, dismissive, aggressive and pompous. Sometimes you want to give them a piece of your mind; give them what they deserve—anything but acceptance. The command, ‘accept one another’, is inconvenient. And if Paul had stopped there we might dodge the directive by saying he obviously meant good, reasonable, acceptable people. Alas, he goes on, ‘just as Christ accepted you’. Were you good, reasonable and acceptable? No, but He accepted you—flaws and all—and He still does! You say, ‘Somebody has to straighten these people out and require them to act right!’ You mean like Jesus required before He accepted you?  Roman Christians had difficulty accepting their less experienced brothers, and Paul corrected them: ‘Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment… for God has ...


NO MORE SLEEPLESS NIGHTS                It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows; for so He gives His beloved sleep.(Psalm 127:2)                    Are you one of those who have trouble sleeping at night? Perhaps just this morning you said, “I was up the whole night—my boy was running a high fever,” or “I slept for only two hours—I was awake polishing up my presentation,” or “I couldn’t sleep at all—I was worried about the bills that are piling up.” God “gives His beloved sleep”. Who are His beloved? You and I! Because we are in Christ, we are His beloved. (Ephesians 1:6, 2 Thessalonians 2:13) God says, “It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows…” In other words, it is pointless to worry and lose sleep because the truth is, “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain who build it; unless t...

God’s Laser

GOD words is two edged sword………. “Sharper than any double-edged sword.”  Heb 4:12 God’s Laser  Does reading the Bible sometimes make you uneasy? Does the sermon feel like it’s directed at you? “The word of God is…Sharper than any double-edged sword…it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit…Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered…before…him to whom we must give account” (Heb 4: 12-13). When it comes to judging our motives, Jesus, the Great Physician, can determine with laser precision the difference between what’s healthy in our lives and what needs to be removed.  Author Jon Walker writes: “A cyst developed under the skin of my right hand…and since I was a journalist I had to do something about it. The procedure was delicate, requiring the surgeon to cut at just the right point…He was confident he could do it …but I was nervous…He did an excellent job and the only reminder I have is a slight scar …The Word of God ...

Don’t resort to manipulation

Do not manipulate your dear one if you truly love them! “Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.”  Ro 12:10 Don’t resort to manipulation Deep within each of us is a desire to run our own lives, and in some cases other people’s lives too. As a result we become experts at manipulating one another. This desire for control brings about different behaviours. Here are six of them you must be aware of and avoid if you want good relationships:  (1) Emotional blackmail. “Do what I want or I’ll get angry and go to pieces.”  (2) The guilt trip. “How could you do this to me after I’ve done so much for             you?”  (3) The eternal illness. “Don’t upset me. Can’t you see I’m not well?”  (4) Help from beyond the grave. “Your dear father would have agreed with me.” (5) Divine revelation. “God told me you should do what I want.”  (6) Humiliation. “Do what I want or I’ll em...

You'll Ask GOD to Bless Them

God kind of Love gives strength to Forgive others ! “Walk in love, as Christ also has loved us.”  Eph 5:2 NKJV You’ll Ask God To Bless Them Walking in love and forgiveness is difficult on several fronts.  (1) It goes against your carnal nature.  (2) There’s a chance others may never know you forgave the offense.  (3) Your heart could break as you watch God bless the offender in answer to your prayers, as if they’d never sinned against you in the first place. John Calvin pointed out that praying like this “is exceedingly difficult,” and early church theologian John Chrysostom called it “the highest summit of self-control.” The Bible says Job’s suffering ended and his prosperity was restored once he was able to pray for those who’d become a thorn in his side (See Job 42:10). When you pray this way you put into practice the words of Jesus in His famous Sermon on the Mount: “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hat...

Call Down for GOD's blessing Upon your life

You can change your destiny by speaking over it through GOD’s word. You are not a failure but Victorious! “He who invokes a blessing on himself…shall do so by saying, ‘May the God of truth and fidelity [the Amen] bless me.’”  Isa 65:16 Invoke God’s blessing upon your life The word “invoke” implies these two things:  (1) To make an earnest request for, or to solicit.  (2) To put into effect or operation, or to implement. With that in mind, read this Scripture: “[It shall be] that he who invokes a blessing on himself in the land shall do so by saying, ‘May the God of truth and fidelity [the Amen] bless me; and he who takes an oath in the land shall swear by the God of truth and faithfulness to His promises [the Amen], because the former troubles are forgotten.’” That’s a powerful promise! Even as God, our Father, spoke the world into existence, we too can use the Scriptures to frame the world we will live in. When you speak the blessing of God over your life, you...

A Faith Perspective

Faith is a Shield that extinguish all flaming arrows of evil one!......Faith can/will change things……..If your faith is channelled only in the Truth i.e. Jesus Christ “Life versus even more life! I can’t lose.”  Php 1:21 A Faith Perspective Roman prisons were terrible places. Offenders were stripped, flogged, and placed in leg irons. Their blood-soaked clothing wasn’t changed even in the dead of winter. And the “inner cell” (Ac 16:24) where Paul and Silas were imprisoned was the worst. Lack of water, cramped conditions, and the stench of toilets (if that’s what you could call them) made sleep impossible. Prisoners routinely begged for death, and some even committed suicide. It was your worst nightmare! Yet “Paul and Silas were…singing…and the other prisoners were listening” (v. 25 ). In The Message, Eugene Peterson paraphrases it like this: “The other prisoners couldn’t believe their ears.” Talk about impact! Paul’s attitude impressed them before his religious beliefs...

Go on a Complaining Fast

Do not complain.”  Jas 5:9 NCV Go on a Complaining Fast Whatever you keep doing becomes a habit. That’s why James says, “Do not complain.” Author Jon Gordon says, “A complaining fast won’t just make everyone around you happier…you’ll experience more joy, peace, success and positive relationships.” So instead of complaining when things go wrong:  (1) Practice gratitude. Giving thanks for three blessings every day energizes you and makes you feel happier. It’s impossible to be grateful and negative at the same time.  (2) Encourage others.Instead of complaining about what people do wrong, focus on what they’re doing right. “Encourage…people who are afraid. Help those who are weak. Be patient with everyone” (1Th 5:14). It’s okay to critique people’s weaknesses as long as you balance it with three times more praise.  (3) Focus on your success. Start a success journal. Every night before you go to bed, write down something great about your day. It cou...

Peace Of Mind

Only GOD can give the peace……..i.e. to believe in HIS peace and not on  temporary peace of this world. “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind.”  Jn 14:27 NLT “Peace Of Mind” You can control what goes on in your mind by filling it with God’s Word. Not the Word you read casually, but the Word you process mentally, apply to each situation that arises, and stand on in times of crisis because you know it’s your right to have the peace Jesus promised. Jesus corrected His disciples because they lost their peace of mind during a storm. He didn’t lose His. He was asleep in the back of the boat. So where are you today? Resting with Jesus in the back of the boat, or panicking with the others up front? Worry overwhelms you when you forget two things:  (1) What the Lord has told you. Jesus said, “Let us go over to the other side” (Mark 4:35). And once He spoke those words there wasn’t a wave big enough to sink them. Anytime you’re doing what God’s told you ...

You Will Have Whatever You Say

Praise GOD! GOD has given us the authority to make or break our life. So today you want to become a prophet on your life? Let us see how. You Will Have Whatever You Say                Mark 11:23 23For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. God says that we will have whatever we say. So whatever we want to have, we can say it and have it. Unfortunately, we often say what we don’t want to have. For example, we say, “I don’t know why I go through my money so fast every month. Even when my boss gives me an increment, there never seems to be enough money.” And true enough, we see a lack of money at the end of every month. You see, you will have whatever you say, good or bad. So why not change what you have been saying to, “From now on,...

Dealing with other people’s failures

You ever want your secrets (No comfortable) to be revealed to others- if answer is NO, Then do you reveal others secret to someone else? “They looked the other way.”  Ge 9:23 Dealing with other people’s failures The Bible says: “After the flood, Noah began to cultivate the ground, and he planted a vineyard. One day he drank some wine…and became drunk and lay naked inside his tent. Ham…saw that his father was naked and went outside and told his brothers. Then Shem and Japheth took a robe, held it over their shoulders, and backed into the tent to cover their father. As they did this, they looked the other way so they would not see him naked. When Noah woke up from his stupor, he learned what Ham, his youngest son, had done. Then he cursed Canaan, the son of Ham. Have you ever uncovered something about a person in a position of respect, and you just couldn’t refrain from telling other people? If you have, think about this: If God trusted you enough to reveal someone’s nakedness...

Take Time To Rest And Sharpen

“Come with me…to a quiet place and get some rest.”  Mk 6:31 Take Time To Rest And Sharpen A competition was held between two men to see who could chop down the most trees in a single day. One man was older and more experienced, while the other was younger and less experienced. And that’s where the difference showed up. The younger man spent eight hours chopping down trees, and at the end of the day he had a total of twenty-five. Believing the older man lacked stamina and youth, he sat down, fully confident he would win. Meanwhile the older man, who had taken a ten-minute break each hour, ended his day by chopping down forty trees. In shock the younger man asked, “How is this possible, old man? I didn’t stop. You stopped every hour for ten minutes and yet you chopped down almost twice as many trees as I did.” The older man replied, “Every hour I sat down for ten minutes and did two things. First, I took time to rest and recharge my batteries. Second, I took time to sharpen my a...

Learn to say “Enough!”

After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray.”  Mt 14:23 Learn to say “Enough!” Jesus dismissed a crowd of listeners and fans in order to spend time with His Father in prayer. As a result, when He returned to the crowd He was empowered to work miracles. Think about it; before an airliner takes off the attendant tells you if the plane gets into trouble you should secure your own oxygen mask before attempting to help others with theirs. After all, unless you’re getting enough oxygen how can you help them? So, are your own needs being met? If not, it’s time to start taking care of yourself before you burn out. You can’t travel quietly through life hoping people will recognize when your plate is full. Speak up, or they’ll just keep pouring on more problems and responsibilities. Personal empowerment begins by taking control of your life. Overloaded people fail at marriage, ministry, and management. They fail at parenting, partnership, and pers...

There’s no substitute!

Time about GOD never replaces time with GOD!....Don’t replace your precious time with GOD to something else. “[Hidden] treasures…riches stored in secret places.”  Isa 45:3 There’s no substitute! When we’re stressed—and who isn’t nowadays?—often our first inclination is to consult the latest “how to” book or DVD, or seek out the camaraderie of Christian friends. At best we get a splash of what we’re looking for. Time about God never replaces time with God. Look around your church and tell me whether with all the religious books, CDs, and programs, there are any that come up to the stature of Enoch, Abraham, Moses, and Noah. God Himself has been, and always will be the greatest source of information, inspiration, transformation, and fellowship…Isaac was meditating in the fields when ‘he lifted up his eyes, and saw…’ (Gen 24:63). From being alone with God comes seeing…in our quiet moments He sets before us gifts and delicacies…hidden ...

Worry is a waste of time

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.”  Php 4:6 Worry is a waste of time Worry is one of the most ineffective pastimes we can indulge in. Jesus Himself asked, “Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?” (Mt 6:27). Worry is the assassin of rest and relationships. It stalks us and hijacks our minds. While we may continue to function publicly, there’s a sinister force lurking within us. This enemy called worry disorients moods, destroys creativity, and depletes your sense of completion which comes from within and can’t be achieved by the acquisition of things. Why do we wrestle so much with things we can’t change? One pastor writes: “It took me years to realize that when I went to bed I shouldn’t go with half my day wrapped around my head. I wrestled all night with issues that couldn’t be resolved until morning anyway. I can’t tell you how many days I went to work feeling like the worn heel of an old shoe. I was less effective, tenser, una...