Time about GOD never replaces time with GOD!....Don’t replace your precious time with GOD to something else.
“[Hidden] treasures…riches stored in secret places.” Isa 45:3
There’s no substitute!
When we’re stressed—and who isn’t nowadays?—often our first inclination is to consult the latest “how to” book or DVD, or seek out the camaraderie of Christian friends. At best we get a splash of what we’re looking for. Time about God never replaces time with God. Look around your church and tell me whether with all the religious books, CDs, and programs, there are any that come up to the stature of Enoch, Abraham, Moses, and Noah. God Himself has been, and always will be the greatest source of information, inspiration, transformation, and fellowship…Isaac was meditating in the fields when ‘he lifted up his eyes, and saw…’ (Gen 24:63). From being alone with God comes seeing…in our quiet moments He sets before us gifts and delicacies…hidden to the hurried man.
The Bible says, ‘When [Jesus] had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray’ (Mt 14:23)…Many who came to see Jesus traveled for days, yet He sent them away so He could pray. To get alone with God you have to send something away: relatives, friends, schedules…opportunities…other people’s opinions. That was true with Jesus. Many were offended by Him. He didn’t let people-pressure run His life; it was governed by His Father…[You can] become a slave to man, or live to meet God’s expectations. You can’t do both. If you do the latter, streams of living water will flow from your innermost being, and you’ll have power with God. He’ll reveal to you ‘hidden treasures, riches stored in dark places.’”
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