If you have lot of money and all comfort but no Peace, then how it is possible to enjoy anything in this world. There is Prince of Peace who took all our pain and agony upon himself and gave us His peace an everlasting peace.
“There is…joy for those who promote peace.” Pr 12:20
Today, be a carrier of God’s peace
One day in the middle of a raging storm, Jesus stood in the bow of a boat and issued this command to the elements: “Peace, be still!” (Mk 4:39). And to the amazement of His disciples, the Sea of Galilee became as calm as a millpond. Now, you may never do anything that spectacular in life—but when Jesus, the peace giver, lives within you, He’ll give you the wisdom to speak into troubled lives and situations, and make you a calming influence. In 1420 the German monk Thomas à Kempis said, “First keep the peace within yourself, then you can also bring peace to others.” But you can’t give others what you don’t have. So where can you find the kind of peace he’s speaking about? Heaven! The Bible says: “But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere…those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness” (Jas 3:17-18).
In a television interview Barbara Walters asked the highly acclaimed actor Richard Dreyfuss this probing question: “If you could have only one wish, what would you wish for?” Without hesitating Dreyfuss replied, “Every time I have a birthday, every time I blow out the candles, every time I see a shooting star, I wish for the same thing…inner security.” And guess what? The people around you feel exactly the same way. So, today be a carrier of God’s peace.
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