A man who is born again will have a new nature, that is a wonderful thing. In Romans 8:7 we are warned that with the old nature a man has a difficult time, "Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God; neither indeed can be." Man in his sinful nature hates the law of God. The Lord has to make a new man out of him. He has to give him a new nature. St Paul certainly knew what he was talking about he said it is just like a fight every day fighting self.
One person said, "I will tell you what I will do, I want to come back to God but I am going to move out of town to do it." The preacher said, "Friend, the first person that you will meet in your new location will be yourself."
It is self that we have the trouble with. The old nature, its always there; it is lying dormant. But God can bring it into subjection. St Paul says, "I am in constant struggle; my best wants to do right, but my body wants to do wrong."
Have you ever grown wearily of yourself? Have you ever come to the place where you felt like saying, "What is the use! I try, I am so tired of it all."
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