Do you know that it is harder for God to remake a man than it is for Him to make him in the first place. Back in the beginning, God fashioned Adam out of the clay, and He did it in a short time. What was the secret? The secret was that the clay did not resist. If God comes along to you and says, "This is what I want you to do" and you do not rebel but you do just what he asks you to do; He will make a good man out of you, He will make a real man out of you.
"Ye must be born again, or ye cannot enter the kingdom of heaven." And the wonderful thing is, a man can be born again. I know that from personal experience. In New South Wales , Australia , in a large country town a leading businessman spent quite a lot of his time in hotels. He was rarely ever home and yet he had a very fine wife, a good Christian lady, besides some lovely children. When you looked in at that home, that outstanding feature that impressed you would be without question the bareness, hardly any furniture and yet this man was earning a large salary. An evangelist came to this town and conducted some special meetings. This man somehow or other was persuaded to attend and as the wonderful messages of Christ and His soon return were presented, a profound impression was made on his heart and mind. He surrendered his heart and life to the Saviour and a tremendous change came into his life, and in his home as well. The Spirit of God transformed that man and God remade another man.
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